Walter's Favorite TV Show
Created by Timothy 12 years ago
My friends accuse me of being stuck in the past. XXX, rather singular in his accusation, says my political views are views relevant only to the 30’s and that I’m really waiting for Roosevelt to come again. Others cast their net wider and attack not only on political grounds but also on cultural ones: I’m not post-modern, post-colonial, post-structuralist. I will not embrace deconstructuralism (and, as I would add, allow what rational intelligence I have to be smothered) nor the Third World or feminism – the radical kind – nor Foucault or --- In other words in XXX’s volcanic eruption, “You’re terrified of change – TERRIFIED!”
This letter is witness that they are all wrong. In fact it will prove that I am – in that shoddy, worn out tiresome clichéd image – on the Cutting Edge. What is the runaway popular 90’s cultural phenomena? Seinfeld, of course. And what is Seinfeld about? By its own trumpeted definition, it is about Nothing. And this is exactly what this letter is going to be about – it is going to be about nothing. And so if you wish to go no further and toss this letter away, do so. You really won’t be throwing anything away. How can you throw away nothing?
[Excerpt from a letter written by Walter to Timothy dated July 21, 1998. Names redacted to protect privacy]